WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK LOCAL PLAN INQUIRY NOTE OF SECOND BUSINESS MEETING: 18 MAY 2009 CAIRNGORM HOTEL, AVIEMORE Attendance: Reporters: Mrs Jill Moody and Mr Hugh Begg Programme Officers: Sara Krawczynska and Julie Millman CNPA: Don McKee, Karen Major, Jane Hope and Murray Ferguson Ledingham Chalmers: David Scott and Rebecca Riddell 1. The purposes of the meeting were: (a) to agree further matters of detail for the conduct of the Hearing Sessions of the Inquiry now scheduled to run over a 3 week period and closing on Thursday 4 June 2009; (b) to discuss the broad format of the final report and the appendices to that; and (c) to indicate in general terms, and as far as possible at this stage in the proceedings, how long it might take to provide the final report to the Park Authority. 2. As far as the first matter was concerned it was confirmed that: (1) all those objectors who elected initially to go by way of the formal inquiry route had now defaulted to written submissions and, as far as known on 18 May some who had elected initially might also have defaulted to written submissions; (2) the hearings relating to policy matters would have a principle, although not necessarily sole, focus on the amendments to the text of the policy itself; and (3) that the hearings on proposed land allocations within particular settlements would not re-run discussions covered in the “general “ sessions arranged to cover matters of relevance to the Park as a whole (including housing land supply) nor would they include discussion of the merits of sites other than that proposed. 3. Turning to the broad format of the final report, it was agreed that in the interests of efficient working and expeditious submission the Reporters would make use of a standard template in the form attached to this note. That template identifies those pieces of information to be provided by the authority on which the Reporters will rely as the evidence base from which their findings on the merits of the objections will be drawn. It was confirmed that the Reporters would retain the right to review that evidence should that appear to be appropriate and also that they would provide any additional relevant material drawn from the discussions at the hearing sessions. For the PAGE 2 avoidance of any doubt, the conclusions and recommendations provided in the templates would be drafted by the Reporters alone. Moving on from there, the matters to be included in appendices to the report and prepared by the Programme Officer were agreed as: a list of all the objections properly submitted and not withdrawn (to be provided to her by the authority); a list of core documents together with a list of all other documents relied upon by the objectors and by the authority; a final timetable of hearing sessions; a list of all of the participants in each of the hearing sessions; and any legal submissions made by the authority and/or the objectors. 4. Finally, in reviewing the amount of reporter time likely to be necessarily devoted to the preparation of the final report, it was confirmed by the Reporters that the matters agreed in sections 2 and 3 above would facilitate greatly its expeditious delivery. However, preparation for the Inquiry had revealed that numerous of the objectors in a considerable number of their objections had expressed concern about the detailed drafting of the text of the plan. Inspection had suggested to the Reporters that very many of the concerns were relatively minor and suggestions had been proposed with a view to providing a local plan accessible to all and written in plain English. It was agreed that it was for the authority to consider the merits of these concerns and any associated suggestions. With all this in mind, it was agreed that the conclusions drawn by the reporters and their consequent recommendations should be firmly focussed on the policies and proposals themselves. They should dealing with other matters only insofar as these were judged critical to the thrust of the policy, or its context, or its background and justification, or the discussion of implementation and monitoring. 5. On review of the matters discussed and decisions reached, it was agreed that a final business meeting would be required following the close of the Inquiry. That would be held on 12 June 2009 at a suitable venue. At that meeting the Reporters would be in a better position to give a broad indication of the reporter time involved in the preparation of their report. Hugh M Begg Jill Moody Reporters 22 May 2009 PAGE 3 Issue: / Policy number and title Objector(s): / CNPA’s Objection reference number(s): name / number Reporter(s) / Name Procedure / Hearing/Written Submissions 1. Introduction 1.1 CNPA and reporters to summarise the provisions of the deposit plan, of the deposit plan as modified, and any further changes being proposed by CNPA as potential post inquiry modifications. 1.2 Other material considerations (including Park Plan, Structure Plan Policies and Government Policies) 2. CNPA’s summary of issues raised by the objectors 2.1 One summary of each of the issues raised by the objectors from the CNPA statement of case. 3 Summary of CNPA’s response 3.1 CNPA to reply to all the issues raised by the objectors, including summary of statement of case Reporters to add a summary of the objectors’ statements of case/rebuttal/written expansion/discussion outcomes. 4. Conclusions 4.1 To be supplied by Reporters, and to address the main issues arising from the above summaries. 5. Recommendation 5.1 To be supplied by Reporters